Selasa, 11 November 2014

Prom Dresses

My sister in second class in high school now. She told me before that she doesn’t want attend prom night next year because she doesn’t have a cute dress. I was so panic after listen what she said. I told her that she should go to prom night because it will be a sweet moment to closed your time in high school. After listen to me, she agree and would go to prom. That means I should buy new dress for her. I promise that I will makes her cute in her prom night but she must go. She didn’t need to think about prom because I will take care all of it. After talk I think again about what I said and felt so stupid. How can I make her beautiful while I know nothing about make up? I am girl but until my ages now, I still didn’t know how to put make up in my face. 

Suddenly, I remember all teen movie I have been watched. In movie all girl who will attended prom night will busy looking for a dress. They will spend all time just for one dress. They are more focus in dress. I think what important is a beautiful dress. I realized that what makes you beautiful not only from the makeup but the most important things is what you wear, and you feel confidence with yourself. I should focus what she will wear. And for make up, I will asks mom for help. We can put simple make up but we should buy a gorgeous dress for her because it’s just happen once in lifetime.

If you have a little sister, you will know what I feel. We always want give the best for our sister.  I still have one year looking for perfect dress for her. Where will I buy her prom dress? I’m looking for it in a few boutique and online shop but until now, I didn’t found it. Last day, I saw a web that sell prom dress uk. I’m so happy because there are a lot of beautiful prom dress. There is many dress we can choose. If you are in high school now and will be attend a prom night, but still confused about prom dress, you can looking for in here. There are many beautiful prom dress. The dress sell in here(your web) have many styles, colors and unique. It will fit in your body, very appropriate for every young girls."

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014


Ahkir-ahkir ini saya sangat menyukai corak kain tradisional khas nusantara seperti tenun dan batik. Tiga tahun yang lalu untuk pertama kalinya saya punya Batik. Sebuah gaun batik yang saya beli di sebuah toko dengan perjuangan yang cukup melelahkan. 

Pada saat itu, ada acara di kampus saya yang mengharuskan semua panitia memakai Batik. Sebelumnya Saya belum pernah membeli Batik sehingga sedikit menyulitkan saya memilih batik yang sesuai dengan keinginan saya. Selain itu, Batik selalu identik dengan orang tua sehingga tidak mudah mencari batik yang sesuai dengan gaya dan selera saya.

Satu hari penuh saya khususkan untuk mencari batik di setiap mall yang ada di kota Medan. Pada ahkirnya saya menemukan sebuah gaun batik yang menarik perhatian saya. Coraknya sangat indah tetapi bentuk gaun tersebut kurang pas di badan saya. Pada ahkirnya saya harus membeli gaun batik tersebut karna cuma itu yang sesuai dengan gaya saya. Melihat pengalaman saya tiga tahun lalu saat mencari batik sangat melelahkan, membuat saya saat ini lebih menyukai berbelanja online karena lebih praktis dan tidak perlu capek-capek keluar masuk mall. Ntah kenapa Saya sangat suka belanja batik di zalora koleksi batiknya sesuai dengan selera dan gaya terkini.

Kamis, 17 Juli 2014


Helo everyone. Have you already getting merried soon and still feel so confused to choosed wedding gowns? I know merried is one of best momments for many girl around the world, and they want looks so beautiful in that moments. Amazing wedding with pair of georgeous heels, a lot of flowers, the handsome groom and of course  a beautiful bride with amazing wedding gowns. 

Looking for wedding dress for women doesn’t easy, cause they want look so amazing in their moment. Some girl need so many times to choosed their wedding gowns. Many problems women’s had about choosed wedding gowns like they want buy wedding gowns, but doesn’t have much time for sew it, there is another case where they want have a unique gowns or glamor wedding gowns but doesn’t know where to buy or make it in tailor. If you still confused and upset to choosed wedding gowns just go to You will find a lot of amazing wedding gowns in here. You didn’t need hesitate cause all amazing gowns for wedding gowns already. You just need to see this web and choosed so many amazing gowns with georgeous style and desaign. 

When i saw this web i just felt that i wanna getting merried soon couse i saw a lot of beautiful gowns in the web, i think i will look so beautiful wear it. Furthermore there are so many discount for wedding gowns, with so many design for you ranging for simple dress until glamor dress, you can see that on this web Happy shopping for you and take a deep breathing cause the discount. My eyes began to huger saw all of beautiful wedding gowns.

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Kerja Rani

Waktu kecil ketika di ajak ke acara gendang-gendang sama orang tua, saya selalu merasa aneh dan bosan. Saya heran kenapa mereka pada suka landek dan bernyanyi dengan musik khas daerah. Waktu smp, saya pernah landek(menari) untuk acara kerja rani di jambi dan ikut karna disuruh orang tua. Waktu kuliah ini, saya landek lagi setelah hampir beberapa tahun tak pernah landek. Waktu bulang bilang kalau saya harus ikut jadi nande aron rasanya sedikit segan buat nolak. gimana enggak segan kalo yang nyuruh adalah bulang. Awalnya sempat protes sama bi tengah karna waktunya tinggal seminggu lagi dan saya harus mempersiapkan semuanya dalam seminggu. Untung aja semua keperluan saya dipersiapkan oleh bi tengah jadi saya tinggal terima siap. Kita latihan landek sehari sebelum nampil. Tangan dan badan pun kaku. Pas hari minggu pagi sebelum acara di mulai kita pasang tudung dulu di bayang. Hal yang paling menyiksa adalah ketika mau masuk mobil badan harus nyungsep karna takut tudungnya rusak. Sebelum acara di mulai sempat jantungan karna ini yang pertama. Tadaa..acara pun di mulai. berjejerlah ibu-ibu, bapak-bapak dan anak remaja membawa 'hasil panen' dan kita ikut di belakang sambil landek dan naik pangung. Jleb..tiba-tiba aja lagunya berubah dari kemarin pas kita latihan. Otomatis kita semua pada liat-liatan bingung harus gimana. Untung aja pasangan landek saya pintar landek dan dari semuanya dia yang paling sering landek jadi kita ikutin dia. Teman-teman pada serius landeknya tidak ada yang malu-malu malahan mereka pada semangat dan senang. Saya baru sadar kenapa banyak orang yang suka dengan perkolong-kolong. Ternyata landek itu menyenangkan juga ya. 

Senin, 03 Februari 2014


This picture was taken in my grandma's house in kabanjahe, Tanah Karo. I love this small town with amazing people in there. There are active volcano, Sinabung and Sibayak and still exist until now. In September, Sinabung is have been erupted and spewed dust. People who live in there was evacuated to a safe places. even the Volcanic ash up to my hometown in Medan. lately i hear news that sinabung is erupted again, i have family in there who live in foot of the mountain, the village name is beras sitepu. now the village is like a dead town. no people in there. This morning i hear bad news from church, my friend dead cause attacked by hot dust. he was there when sinabung  is erupted again. I felt so stupid because i just can stay in here without help them. I really want go to there but i can't. I hope sinabung stop. Let us PRAY FOR SINABUNG.