Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

traditional house in Lau Simomo

Im the tribe of Karo from Sinulingga clan. My father from sinulingga clan and my mother from ginting suka clan. Many people says that tribe of karo one of Batak. Everyone in Karo should have a clan from his father and so i am. I just can speak a little karo but this is enough help me did my field work in Lau Simomo where there are so many people from  tribe of karo live. Until now, many people from tribe of Karo still keep their tradition especially my family. This is traditional house from tribe of Karo in Lau simomo. This house so simple but so ethnic because you can find a carving in the wall. 

Traditional house in Lau Simomo is very old because these house was built in the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia. These house was built for people who have leprosy.

from side

look from inside 

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Senin, 10 September 2012


Im very dissapointed today because what i planed with IKIPSA(My friend in senior high school) to make suprise for santhree, but it was failed. Today she was going to Bali for her study. We all waiting for her in airport without her knowing it. We call her by phone and said that we want to met with her but she was looks so busy. Finally, we know that she was in airplane and wanna take off. Oh my god !! We feel so sad. All about our planed doesn't work. Byebyeee santree. I hope we can met again in next time.

Selasa, 04 September 2012

9 JULY 1992

  I always waiting July for come annually.Sometimes i love july because in this month reminds me how a come in to this world but sometimes i hate july because since i am growing up, my birthday always so bored. This years makes me to be a  twenty years old girls. I think i am old but what people think about my self sometimes makes me laugh. So many people i have met always think that i'm a girl in senior high school. they don't know that now i'm a 5th semester college girl.

Minggu, 02 September 2012

17 Agustus

Sudah hampir dua bulan saya tidak memposting sesuatu di blog ini karena kemarin saya lagi libur kuliah. Maaf yaa buat coment yang belum di balas. Oia, berhubung bulan agustus kemarin adalah bulan peringatan kemerdekaan Indonesia, saya mau memposting suatu foto yang saya ambil di daerah yang cukup jauh dari perkotaan yang ada di Jambi. Saya sedikit terharu ketika melihat ada beberapa rumah yang terbuat dari papan memasang bendera merah putih di depan rumahnya. Hal ini sangat berbeda jauh dengan keadaan yang ada di daerah rumah saya di kota Jambi karena di daerah kotanya sangat jarang saya temui rumah yang memasang bendera merah putih.

Senin, 02 Juli 2012


Ayunan di Klinik/Puskesmas bunut PTPN VI Jambi. Rindu main ayunan di depan kantor 3 inti dari daun kelapa sawit yang disambung-sambung trus bergelantungan diatasnya seperti monyet. 

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012


Bad mood always make me want to eating some snack. That's a bad habit i had and i don't know how to solve it.  Masalahnya adalah ketika bad mood kumat dan ternyata isi kantong pun tidak mencukupi untuk membeli beberapa "pelampiasan". Beginilah susahnya kalau jadi mahasiswa terlalu bersahabat dengan Bokek, Ahkir dan awal bulan enggak ada bedanya.

We were In The Train

Bulan juni kemarin kita naik kereta api dari Medan ke Binjai. Ini pertama kalinya saya naik kereta api dan serius mungkin penumpang di dalam pada bosan ngeliat tampang kita karna lasaknya. dua srikandi dan empat satria : Saya, mimi, Mario, Mocep, Mark and Sakti.

Ada sensasinya foto dri luar jendela kereta api tapi Agak bahaya juga foto seperti ini karena mesti waspada dan siap-siap. Awas tiang-tiang !! Awas pohon !!! Awass itu !! Awas ini !!