Jumat, 27 April 2012


This is my favorite Ice Cream except Magnum but i forgoten what the name of this Ice Cream.

Rabu, 25 April 2012


Tadi hari terahkir kita mengikuti TOF(Training Of Fasilitator). Berhubung tadi kita pulangnya agak cepat, teman-teman pada ngajakin buat nangkring dulu. Bingung mau makan apa ahkirnya seperti biasa Ice Cream selalu menjadi incaran kita.

Today is our last time for Training Of Fasilitator and coz of that, our Friend invite me to hang out. Ice Cream always become our favorite choice.

Senin, 23 April 2012


Now we are in times of mid-semester and we need extra study to answer the exam questions. sometimes, a few students who didn't study at home at night must scramble when answering questions on the midterm. How aboout them ?? In my country, This is what we're doing if we didn't learn and didn't prepare the material for the mid-smester. they commit fraud such as writing on the wall, written in the hand, write on small paper, writing in the thigh, etc. These're what happened in my class before the exam..


Selasa, 03 April 2012


This's my cousin's bag. I really loved the color of her bag cause i rarely seen the color in a bag like herself. 

 Our crocs shoes. Look at the bridge !! There're a lot of handwriting on the bridge. this is a bad habit in our county. Many public facilities has been disturbed it's beauty cause the handwriting like this bridge. Locate at titi gantung, Medan.

Senin, 02 April 2012


Belakangan ini saya tidak tahu mengapa tiba-tiba saya sangat rindu akan suasana Jambi. Bermain-main bersama ica, nemeni ica daftar di sekolah yang baru, melihat mom menyiram bunga dan rumah yang dipenuhi dengan bunga-bunga. Meskipun kita baru pindah rumah tapi puji Tuhan, Rumah yang baru langsung terasa nyaman untuk ditempati meskipun kemarin dalam tahap renovasi. Ohh jesus..im really homesick. 

Minggu, 01 April 2012

H'bday Mariiooo.

A few weeks ago, my friend's birthday is the twenty. After classes, they took us for a cup of ice near the pavilion USU corn. We drank together, laughed and took a picture together. It's was Nice moment for us..